SUN presented at Stereopsia 2023

SUN presented at Stereopsia 2023

    On October the 18th SUN was presented during the Stereopsia event in Brussels. It was a great opportunity to discuss about issues related to communication both internal and external and SUN representatives describe a possible innovative approach in...
Let’s push the development of XR solutions

Let’s push the development of XR solutions

Let’s push the development of #XR solutions through our close partnership with Sun.HE We at Holo-Light are committed to emphasise the significance of The SUN Project, which is dedicated to find new ways to make XR more convincing and naturalistic. This project...
ThinGenious acquired the Trigno Research+ System

ThinGenious acquired the Trigno Research+ System

ThinGenious acquired the Trigno Research+ System by Delsys, a state of the art sensory toolset including #EMG, IMU and goniometer sensors to capture the body kinematics and muscular activations during rehabilitation exercises for the lower limbs. Its goal is to...
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